Friday 27 April 2012

Evaluation of Kerrang Contents

Evaluation of Kerrang Contents Page:

This contents page is a very good example of a professional looking magazine contents page. It is also good for many reasons, such as the layout of the Kerrang Contents page is very well done. It allows the user to read all of the content very easily as it is all framed so that each bit of content is distinguishable from other content. The Fonts used within the contents page are also very good as the titles used for each part of the magazine are very bold drawing the attention of the user and also once again they are very distinguishable meaning that the reader can quickly find the part of the magzine that they would like to read. The colour scheme used sticks to the simple yet striking colours used throughout the magazine, the Yellow text on the black background once again helps to draw the attention of the reader. Another good feature of this contents page is the use of Photos, this is good as it gives the reader something that is related to the content to look at while reading the page.

This is another good example of a contents page. There are a number of reasons why this is a good contents page such as, The use of images used within the contents page is good. This is a good feature as it allows the reader to see what the content is about before reading it, also it grabs the readers attention drawing them to the most important content in the magazine such as the exclusive interviews. Another good feature is the use of eye catching fonts. This is good as it draws the readers attention to the different sections of the magazine and helps to distinguish the different parts of the magzine from the others.  The use of colours is also a good feature as the yellow text on the black background helps to draw attention to the different parts of the magazine and also helps to distinguish different parts of the magazine helping the user to find the part of the magzine they want to read. The colours used also stick to kerrangs colours scheme of white, black yellow and some red. This is good as readers will directly associate this with kerrang. Lastly there is a good use of an advert used as the bottom right of the contents page, this is good as it is helping to promote the magaize through the use of an offer on the magazine, helping to entice the reader to buy the magazine more.

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