Tuesday 28 February 2012

Magazine Article Review

Magazine Article Review
The language used within the article has a very particular style of writing. First of all the article is very informative, showing that the reviewer has first of all listened to the music that is being reviewed so that they can give an honest review of the music. The language also interacts with the user with the use of personal pronouns, this gives the review reader a sense that they are being spoken to personally. This is good as it makes the review feel more personal and down to earth as if the reviewer was just the same as them. Many reviews also use scores, this is good as it gives the viewer a quicker reference to how good the music being reviewed is before the full article has began. Most of the language used is largely informal yet informative at the same time, this gives all of the information that is needed for the readers to know as well as keeping the language going formal which would not suit the laid back style of the magazine.

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