Friday 24 February 2012

Photoshoot Plan

Photoshoot Plan

Over the weekend I will be producing the photos that I will be using within the music magazine that I will be producing. I will be considering the genre of the magazine when planning the phots that I will be taking this is becuase I do not want to take photos that would not suit the genre of the magazine.

The majority of the photos that I am going to be taking will be done outdoors in a more gritty area. This is to stick with the grungy metal genre that my magazine will be appealing to. I will be using props such as an electric guitar, a mixing desk and computer and a keyboard. The clothing used within the photos will also be more of a gritty style to stay true to the magazines genre.

I will be taking around 10-20 picture in my photoshoot, this is to make sure that I have a satisfactory amount of pictures to choose from and also that I can get all of the shots to look as good as I need them. I will not be using all of these photos only some of them and will be editing them within Adobe Photoshop.

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