Friday 27 January 2012



Ideology is one of the most important key concept as it underpins the construction of any media text.The idea of ideology in media is mainly built on a system of beliefs that is constructed and then presented by many forms of media. An example of this would be with different newspapers, Such as The Times may regard their audience as more sophisticated readers whereas readers of The Mirror may be regarded as less sophisticated and more fun loving.

This would be very important within a magazine as this would setup the main demographic for your magazine. This could be because if your ideology is more suited towards a specific demographic they will be the main audience of your magazine. Kerrang's ideology is to oppose the mainstream, this can be seen with their mission statement 'Break the mould', so you would not expect the readers of NME to also be reading Kerrang as their ideologies clash.

Ideology of School Newsletter

The ideology shown here from the schools newsletter is that the school is full of fun activities that children can get involved in, t also makes the school look very positive with the images of the children working and talking together.

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