Tuesday 24 January 2012

School Newsletter Evaluation

School Newsletter Evaluation
In this post I will be evaluating the front cover and the double page spread of the school newsletter.

Front Cover
This front cover portrays many of the characteristics that we would expect to be on the front of a schools newsletter. Firstly the schools logo is placed at the top and is the largest thing on the page, the other pictures are also scenes from within the school environment. The colours used on the front page also fit in with the colours of the School Logo (Blue,White And Red) this is the house style for the newsletter.

Double Page Spread.
The double page spread also used some of the characteristics that are expected within school newsletters. Firstly the language used throughout the pages in formal, this is because the newsletter has been made primarily to inform students then to entertain. The house style is also rather similar with the white background and the blue text for the headings. The layout it also set-up as columns which is also very formal which is to be expected from a school newsletter.

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