Thursday 19 January 2012

Research Methods

Qualitative and Quantative Research.

While creating my magazine I will  be required to gather information to help better suit my magazine to the intended target audience. There are two different research methods that I shall be using, these are:

Qualative: This research involves gathering quality information from the target merket. This research will deal more with decriptions, which can be more in-depth and contain more quality information. This type of research contains data that is easy to observe but is not very easy to be measured.

Quantitative: This research involves gathering a large quantity of information from the target market. This can be done through questionnaires and surveys. This type of research will deal more with figures and facts, which can easily be measured once they have been obtained.

While conducting research for my Magazine I will be using a Quantitative research method in the form of a Questionnaire. This is because it allows me to gain a large amount of information from my target audience which can then easily be sorted.

Tom Cannon

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